
Home » Community Futures offices celebrates the success of the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) program!

Community Futures offices celebrates the success of the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) program!

CFBC is proud to celebrate the achievements of the BC CF network in delivering the RRRF program, which has significantly supported rural small businesses during challenging economic times.

Across the province, 32 CF organizations successfully distributed 3,050 RRRF and RRRF – Expansion loans, totaling $72.3 million. These loans directly benefited 2,267 rural businesses and helped save or maintain 10,084 jobs in our communities.

Most RRRF loan recipients successfully met their loan terms before the extended loan forgiveness deadline of March 28, 2024. Additionally, the program has maintained a low loan loss rate, with an average of 4.3% for RRRF loans and 2.5% for RRRF – Expansion loans as of December 31, 2024.

These results highlight the expertise of CF organizations, built on 35+ years of experience in developmental lending and program delivery.

Copyright 2024 Community Futures South Kootenay • Website by Maverick Design

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