Are you looking for a business loan to start, maintain or grow your venture? Our lending criteria considers client character and capacity first. Let’s discuss your financial needs.
Community Futures is rural Canada’s non-for-profit community economic development network helping entrepreneurs succeed with small business loans, coaching, advice, business training and resources.
Community Futures South Kootenay (CFSK), formerly Community Futures Greater Trail, is one of 34 CF offices in rural British Columbia. We serve the communities of Rossland, Trail, Warfield, Fruitvale, Montrose, and RDKB Areas A & B in the southwestern portion of the Kootenay region.
Are you looking for a business loan to start, maintain or grow your venture? Our lending criteria considers client character and capacity first. Let’s discuss your financial needs.
You have the means. You are powerful beyond measure. You just need to believe it. Let us guide you so you can unlock your true business potential.
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